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Affiliates Publishers Success

Lighthouse Medical Services

If you are interested in Making Money Online, Internet Marketing, Online Wealth, and Improving your site's Search engine rank then this is the place for you. Giving you practical real world advice, that works.

The Golden Rules of Effective Blog Writing   Not everyone naturally has a flair for blogging, and those that do can and do have very successful blogs, the ability to create a great post is essential to creating a popular blog, this is especially true when first starting as a lot of the traffic you will receive for your blog to begin will be from Social Networking and your success really relies on how well you can sell and promote your blog  to fellow bloggers. If you have great topics and good information but your posts don’t flow and are filled with technical, spelling and grammatical mistakes, you won’t be very successful at gaining the respect of fellow bloggers, and your blog won’t do a well as it could.


The good news is if you are just starting out over time your writing stills will improve, and most importantly you will learn how to write better along with finding out what works and does not work. But if you don’t want to wait for these stills to develop, I have outlined the golden rules of effective blog writing so you can learn some of these stills now, giving you the chance to pickup the remaining skills (the skill that come with only with experience) a lot earlier.


The Golden rules of effective blog writing:


o        Know your audience - Know their interest, demographic, country of origin, what sites they visit. One way I have employed this in my blog writing is with spelling, even though I am from Australia  (Yes another Ozzie) I know my readers are primarily from the US (29% in fact), and I always the US spelling of words. Writing for your audience is very important, if your readers are between 18 and 40 you don’t want to write as if you were writing to your father or grandfather.

Lighthouse Medical Services


o        Plan Posts - This might sound silly and something a teacher might ask a fifth grader to do, but it does work, and helps by making you stay focused during the writing phase. Planning a post might be as simple as taking down bullet points about the main topics of the post, in the order of which you want to write about them in the post, after you have this list read over it and change the order of these points ensuring each point flows from one point to the next.


o        Make your writing flow well - You can achieve this by reading over your writing three to five times before you post, this will allow you to craft and improve the writing, it might be tedious and boring, but I can vouch that it will improve your end post at least three fold. Also could also give it to a partner, child or friend to read over, they might have some great ideas and pickup on things that are not explained correctly.


o        Spell and Grammatical Checks - this kind of fits in with the point above, but this is a separate point and deserves a lot of attention. I cannot count the number of times I have seen simple misspellings and grammatical mistakes in posts (either mine or someone else’s) most of the time is a typo or using a similar word that has a different meaning like where and were, or there and their and its something your spell checker wont pickup. Reading thru a post several times or letting someone else read before you publish will pick these mistakes out.


o        Write your post in MS Word - I always write my posts in Microsoft Word first, this allows for better spelling and grammar checks it also allows you to save your work locally before posting. When I started blogging years ago, I used to write directly into the post window of the blogging engine, after the second time I lost my entire post I decided to write in MS Word first and then copy/past directly into the post window of the blogging engine.


o        Use of Images in posts – It is true a Pictures/Image is worth a thousand words Images and images in posts can make a great piece of writing even better, if you include a picture somewhere close to the top of your post it will attract more readers to your post and give these readers a good indication of what the writing is about at a quick glance. Just remember not to make images too big as this will draw away from your writing and will make your take page longer to download.


o        Length of Post - Keep your post below 1 ½ pages. The length of a post is another important rule that should be followed; blogging is all about writing focused short to medium posts, not multi page short novels or multi page reports. A lot of time when I start reading a post that I might only be slightly interested in and it spans multiple pages I just turn off and leave the site all together. If your topic is very large you will be better off both from a reader and SEO perspective of breaking the topic down and posting it as a Part 1, Part 2.


o        Word highlighting Using word highlighting such as bolding, and using colors is important, as this will make your post more interesting not just a page of black words It also allows you to draw the readers eye towards the Important parts and phrases of the post.


o        Encourage Users to Post Comments - these give readers a sense of community, and can help to enhance the quality of your post with readers giving additional information that could be of interest it also gives fellow bloggers a link back, which is a Win/Win for both.





·         5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Sites Traffic and Search Engine Ranking

When you first launch a website or blog, it might seem like an uphill battle to promote and get your website up in the rankings, but if you do these 5 things I guarantee you within the next one to five weeks your website will have more visitors and will be ranking higher in search engines than ever before.1.  Visit and contribute to websites and blogs that host similar content as you have. By visiting a leaving feedback (including your URL) you WILL get noticed by both users that are interested in your subject area, and search engines that crawl this website. I found this to be my number one promotion method when first starting out. You are not only limited to websites, you can leave your URL on email signatures, and posts to newsgroups, be creative the rewards are worth it. 2. Update your blog or site regularly; firstly this keeps your readers happy, along with the search engines. Search engines rank pages from sites that are regularly updated higher than sites that are not as regularly updated. Additionally adding content makes your site bigger more quickly and guess what most Search engines like bigger rather than smaller sites. For a blog I would recommend adding new posts at least 4+ times per week. You would be able to get away with less frequent updates on a technical article based website or blog, only because of the amount of time it takes to write a technical article.3. Make sure you are listed in as many search engines as possible and check your entry with them to see if there is any tweaking you can do to improve your results. Simple things like changing the length and the words in the title of both your website and posts to better match the key word/s that you are targeting, can improve your search order ranking a lot.4. Use websites like Google Analytics and/or web log statistics analyzers to look at the trends of your website or blog and change your site to improve these results.  Microsoft later went on to link to my original article from their Exchange 2003 Tools webpage; you can imagine how this improved my search engine ranking and popularity. 5. If you are using a free blog like BlogSpot, etc, and you are serious about blogging for money I recommend moving away this free solution and getting your own domain and hosting provider, and do it now rather than later before your blog becomes popular. The first reason being Google seems to crawl these free generic websites slower than a private domain name, I suppose it is like looking for needle in a haystack, the site might be big but there are lots of others in there with you. If you have your own domain name and submit this to a search engine, your content is found straight away. Now the second reason does not really fit under this title but because I am mentioning free generic sites Vs a private site I will mention this.  If you ever in the future purchase a domain name and want to move your website chances are you will lose A LOT of traffic and web ranking the reason being many search engines put new domain names into what is termed a "sandbox", and limit the page and site rank that can be achieved, generally once a domain name has existed in a search engines database for around six months the domain name is taken out and allowed to play with the older children, now there are obvious ways to get out of or around this sandbox rule, but I will go into that in a future post.